The Search for Lessons

An in-depth analysis of how Dr. King's teachings on social justice, economic equality, and peaceful protest continue to influence modern political movements. The article examines current civil rights challenges and how different groups interpret and apply Dr. King's philosophy to contemporary issues. Source: The New York Times

MLK III on Inauguration, Holiday, and the Need for Civility

Martin Luther King III discusses the significance of MLK Day and its message for modern America. He addresses the importance of civil discourse in current political debates while emphasizing his father's principles of peaceful resistance and unity. The interview explores how Dr. King's message of nonviolent social change remains crucial in today's polarized environment. Source: CBS News

MLK and the Labor Movement : A Natural Partnership

An exploration of Dr. King's deep connection to the labor movement and his support for workers' rights. The article highlights his speeches to union audiences, including his final speech supporting striking sanitation workers in Memphis, and examines how the civil rights and labor movements shared common goals of economic and social justice. Source: Forward Kentucky